
C1q A08 Is a Half-Cryptic Epitope of Anti-C1q A08 Antibodies in Lupus Nephritis and Important for the Activation of Complement Classical Pathway

To investigate the fine epitope(s) of anti-C1q A08 antibodies and their roles in complement activation in lupus nephritis, C1q A08 and related peptides with various amino acid sequences around A08 were synthesized. Anti-C1q A08 antibodies from 10 lupus nephritis patients were purified from plasmaphe...

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Autores principales: Wu, Wen-Jun, Tan, Ying, Liu, Xiao-Ling, Yu, Feng, Zhao, Ming-Hui
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Frontiers Media S.A. 2020
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